The Small Business banking Network (SBBN)
Project: SME Credit Training and Diagnostic
Project Summary:
Project: SME Credit Training and Diagnostic
Project Summary:
Inspired Solutions was engaged in early 2014 to provide SME credit training to the credit staff of a large bank in Tanzania. Later in the year we were once more contracted to carry out a bank-wide diagnostic of the SME business in the same bank.
During the course of both consultancies we provided direct advisory to the retail division of one of the largest banks in Tanzania. Working closely with the bank counterparts we completely deconstructed the strategy and objectives of the SME division. We then interviewed all levels of management, both head office and branch and analyzed the operating results of the division. We also advised existing project teams whose goal was the process re-engineering of the credit sales function within the bank.
In both of these consultancies we provided highly directive recommendations. In the latter consultancy (the SME business diagnostic) we presented these clearly in a “road map” format. We can think of nothing more directive than a map. Our recommendations will add great value, yet are easily implementable within timeframes from the immediate to the long term (12 months or more). Once more we have positively impacted the trajectory of a client, using our open and affirming approach to directive consultancy.